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About AIM

About AIM

What is the AIM?

The Accelerative Integrative Methodology (AIM) brings true transformation to the experience of teaching and learning languages. AIM blends the best of language-acquisition theory and brain-based research with systematized and engaging classroom practice, creating astounding results.

The use of high-frequency vocabulary – introduced with gestures and contextualized in stories, drama, songs and dance – allows students to rapidly achieve levels of oral and written fluency rarely seen with conventional methods. One significant difference is that AIM takes a story-based approach to language learning, rather than a thematic approach.

AIM uses gestures, drama, music, dance and storytelling to rapidly accelerate language acquisition and create an environment where students:

  • Express themselves orally in the target language from the first lesson, using high frequency vocabulary
  • Learn vocabulary in visual, auditory and kinesthetic ways
  • Participate in all activities in the target language based on literature and drama
  • Learn to think and write creatively, while practicing oral communication

The main elements of the AIM are:

  • Introduction and practice of vocabulary and structures through gestures.
  • The initial use of a verb-centred, high frequency, functional vocabulary
  • Linguistic reinforcement through 'pleasant repetition' with drama, songs and dance
  • Responding to all of the Multiple Intelligences
  • Working from the whole to the part as opposed to from the part to the whole
  • Authentic communication in spontaneous contexts
  • Applied use of grammatical concepts in meaningful situations

Word-of-mouth testimonials from one teacher to another are, above all else, what has fuelled interest in the AIM.  Countless teachers are reporting increased motivation, love of the language and more speaking and writing from their students than ever before.

AIM materials are available for French, Spanish, English as a Second Language (ESL) and Chinese.


 About the Creator


wendy-3x3c.jpgWendy Maxwell (M.A.), award-winning teacher and AIM creator, has transformed second language instruction, both in Canada and internationally. Wendy is the author of AIM's French and English programs, including Histoires en action !, Jeunesse en action !, Stories in Action! and Life in Action! She has also recently completed AIM's first Spanish program ¡Jóvenes en acción!


Wendy is the recipient of the Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence (1999) and the H.H. Stern Award for Innovation in Second Languages (2004). She has made many appearances on CBC, Radio-Canada, Citytv and CTV. Her program has been written up in the National Post, the Ottawa Citizen, the Toronto Star and various international journals. Wendy has been invited to deliver keynote addresses in Paris, Tokyo and The Hague.










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